Breakfast Show

4 – 26 June 2016
PUNT WG, Amsterdam

With works by:
Charlotte Dumas
Priscila Fernandes
Rosie Heinrich
Erica van Loon
Timmy van Zoelen

Curated by Erica van Loon

PuntWG, WG Plein (across no. 80), Amsterdam
Opening: Saturday 4 June, 5.22 am – 10.00 am
Open 4 – 26 June: Fri - Sun, from sunrise (around 5.30 am) – 10.00 am

Breakfast literally means "breaking the fast" of the night.
During night-time our attention turns inward and almost all input from the outside is paused. We temporarily shift to another state of mind.

Most of the time, an encounter with an artwork is preceded by a multitude of sensory, emotional and intellectual interactions. What would happen if an exhibition is the first thing we are exposed to after waking up, when we have had little sensory activity and almost no interactions with our surroundings.

By moving the usual timeframe in which we look at art, the viewer will have a slightly altered state of consciousness. Does this result in a different susceptibility, a different reflection on the works? Does it affect how we perceive the succeeding reality of a day?

As the exhibition will only be open in the early morning, from sunrise, visitors are invited to see the video works before engaging in other activities.
Breakfast will be served in the exhibition space, to stimulate visitors to reflect in dialogue, which makes the breakfast table an important element of the show*.
The programme occasionally provides an opportunity to sleep and wake up in the exhibition. On several daybreaks a special guest will be invited to join the breakfast discussion and share their insights and knowledge.

Breakfast Show is a group exhibition, consisting of video works by Charlotte Dumas, Priscila Fernandes, Rosie Heinrich, Erica van Loon en Timmy van Zoelen.
The shown works, each in their own way, can be connected to the above questions. At the same time they allow for a broader reading, leaving scope for one’s own interpretation and for discussion at the breakfast table.

Read the review by Eve Kalyva: Laying the Table, Setting the Stage

Kindly supported by Ekoplaza Constantijn Huygensstraat, MTS Audivisueel
With thanks to Mondriaan Fund for supporting the production of some of these works
* Mandorla (mudpietable) 2008, by Frank Mandersloot


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