peel off the sticky layers around your brain, poke a finger between your hemispheres,

peel off the sticky layers around your brain, poke a finger between your hemispheres,

tracing landscapes deep inside your underbelly

tracing landscapes deep inside your underbelly

bare hands catching mountains with

bare hands catching mountains with

kfff t t ts

kfff t t ts

how to best postion your behind when floating in free fall from high tree tops

how to best postion your behind when floating in free fall from high tree tops

meditate on stress in rocks

meditate on stress in rocks

versus surface force versus body force

versus surface force versus body force

but why, after displaying so much cunning, did she invariably betray herself the moment she came up by that loud laugh? Did not her white breast enough betray her?

but why, after displaying so much cunning, did she invariably betray herself the moment she came up by that loud laugh? Did not her white breast enough betray her?

tufts of seagrass between toes, legs, armpits, if you sit up, you can see the green grow denser,

tufts of seagrass between toes, legs, armpits, if you sit up, you can see the green grow denser,

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