Nothing to See Nothing to Hide

2 - 12 April 2014
NOTHING TO SEE NOTHING TO HIDE is a series of one-week exhibitions, and evening programs with video screenings and performances, curated by Frank Mandersloot
at PUNTWG, Amsterdam
WG-Plein, in front of number 80, Amsterdam

2 april 8-10 pm
Pierfrancesco Gava: If only we had listened, 2014 
Judith Westerveld: Still not at ease, 2012 
Phil Bosch: NO TITLE (Telluric V 37.476300 N 39.011000 E) 2014 
Cecilia Bengtsson: choir piece, 2014 
Robin Vanbesien: drip-drop-drips, 2013 
Erica van Loon: Bird, 2012 

3 apri
8-10 pm
Marc Oosting: the drawings of ed ruscha, 2011 
Robin Vanbesien: what must one know, 2013 
Voitka Group: untitled, 2014 
Judith Westerveld: Foreclosure, 2013 
Aimee zito lema: untitled (Marina), 2011 
Alexander Höglund: Inflight, 2013 

4 april 8-10 pm
Bastien Gachet: 1, 2, 3, 2014 
Melissa Tun Tun: 4, 5, 6, 2014 

8 april
 8-10 pm
Sayuri Chetti: Bebe, 2014 ON INVITATION ONLY 

9 april 8-10 pm
Roos Breeuwer & Petros Orfanos on sculpture + film 2014 

10 april 8-10 pm
Sayuri Chetti: Bebe, 2014 ON INVITATION ONLY 

11 april 8-10 pm
Sara Campos & Seamus Cater & Han Jacobs: new performance, 2014 
Robin Vanbesien: distant star (shapes praxis), 2013 
Pernille Lonstrup & Mikko Karjalainen: Ga Je Mee Naar Buiten, 2014 
Pierfrancesco Gava: Civitavecchia and other Maria's, 2014 
Kristina Benjocki: Past less predictable than future, 2014 
Aimee Zito Lema: Rehearsing Voices, 2011 
Martin Pedersen: Presentation on Calypso, 2014 

Saturday, 12 april 5-7 pm

Rein Jelle Terpstra: Retracing, 2013

Previous exhibitions were ‘stanley brouwn / photos and printed matter’, ‘PROVO International’ and 'nothing to say nothing to conceal'. 

During the 2 weeks program seven showcases with artists' books (of the previous exhibition) are on display upstairs.


So Are We to the Trees


Exhibition: Skinned, Boned & Re-shaped #2